The School

The Modern School of Sound Promise

You Will:

Receive Customized Instruction That Relates To Your Goals and Interests

Discover how To Play With Ease, Freedom And Grace

Develop A Strong Technical Foundation

Understand Music Theory, Read, and Write

Expand your Philosophical View of Music

Learn The Total Body Approach, Using Principles Of The Alexander Technique

Make Your Music Beautiful

Utilize Detailed Practice Strategies

Improve Your Creativity and Become Comfortable With Improvisation

Gain Experience Performing For An Audience

Have A Say In The Direction Of Your Lessons

Achieve Your Musical Goals


What Do Modern School Music Lessons Look Like?

What Do Modern School Music Lessons Look Like?  

Lessons are customized to fit the students’ individual tastes, needs, goals, and learning style. The teacher remains versatile with regards to selection of music, curriculum, and teaching style. With this approach, the content of the lessons always stays relevant to their interests.

For example:  I have two students who are both 15 years old, have been taking lessons for 3 years, and have similar skill levels.  Shall I give them the same music to learn...?  No!  One student, preparing for music college, needs to learn classical music and advanced technique.  She learns best by demonstration.  The other student, wanting to play in an alternative rock band, needs to learn songwriting, study improvisation, and develop his ear.  He learns best by tinkering around with things on his own.  It would be a sizable error to teach these students in the same way!  

This is just one possible example of how students, who appear to be similar, are quite different and require separate approaches.  A Modern School music coach always considers who they are teaching before they decide what and how to teach.